Bible Study
Bible Study -
Meeting ID: 371 357 1998 Passcode: x6k4hN
Call In # 3017158592
Meeting ID: 3713571998 Passcode: 541166
Bible Study
Bible Study -
Meeting ID: 371 357 1998 Passcode: x6k4hN
Call In # 3017158592
Meeting ID: 3713571998 Passcode: 541166
Sports Jersey Sunday
Sports Jersey Sunday!
Wear your favorite sports jersey/paraphernalia and represent your team!
Bible Study
Bible Study -
Meeting ID: 371 357 1998 Passcode: x6k4hN
Call In # 3017158592
Meeting ID: 3713571998 Passcode: 541166
135th Anniversary Celebration
The celebration will begin at 12 p.m. on Saturday, October 7, 2023, at our NCCOL UMC Fellowship Hall, featuring fun, food, and activities for all ages. Fellowship on Sunday, October 8, 2023, will begin with our morning service at 9:30 a.m.
After the morning service, you can view our Wall of NCCOL History and, at 1:00 p.m., have a delightful dinner at our fellowship hall. Afternoon service will begin at 3:30. There will be presentations highlighting the history and achievements of our church from community members and congregation, music by our church choirs, and an inspirational sermon by our own Pastor William W. White.
135th Anniversary Morning Service
The celebration will begin at 12 p.m. on Saturday, October 7, 2023, at our NCCOL UMC Fellowship Hall, featuring fun, food, and activities for all ages. Fellowship on Sunday, October 8, 2023, will begin with our morning service at 9:30 a.m.
After the morning service, you can view our Wall of NCCOL History and, at 1:00 p.m., have a delightful dinner at our fellowship hall. Afternoon service will begin at 3:30. There will be presentations highlighting the history and achievements of our church from community members and congregation, music by our church choirs, and an inspirational sermon by our own Pastor William W. White.
135th Anniversary Cookout
The celebration will begin at 12 p.m. on Saturday, October 7, 2023, at our NCCOL UMC Fellowship Hall, featuring fun, food, and activities for all ages. Fellowship on Sunday, October 8, 2023, will begin with our morning service at 9:30 a.m.
After the morning service, you can view our Wall of NCCOL History and, at 1:00 p.m., have a delightful dinner at our fellowship hall. Afternoon service will begin at 3:30. There will be presentations highlighting the history and achievements of our church from community members and congregation, music by our church choirs, and an inspirational sermon by our own Pastor William W. White.
Usher Day @ John Wesley UMC, Queenstown, MD.
Usher Day @ John Wesley UMC, Queenstown, MD. Pastor White is speaking.